
Basic usage: prepare + generate in a single step

Let’s say that you have 2 files to generate, file01.properties and datasource.xml, in the target/generated-configuration directory, you can use the following configuration.

By convention, maven-confd-plugin templates and dictionaries are located in src/main/confd/templates and src/main/confd/dictionaries


This example does not really match a real case usage though, because you usally don’t deploy on your local dev environment, do you?

Typical use case : local development + delivery package

A full example of this setup can be found in the spring-boot sample in our sample usages project.

Local Development

We want to be able to generate our config file for the local dev environment, and use it, so:

  • we rely on the common/shared configuration (i.e. not associated to a specific profile) that calls the prepare goal of the plugin. The prepare goal will generate a confd toml configuration file that would target a final generated file in the target/generated-configuration directory

  • we activate a run-local profile that triggers the generate goal that will process the template according to our local dictionary stored in src/main/confd/dictionary/local.dict

  • because we want the build to be independent of the dev environment, we use the java-processor that doesn’t rely on the confd binary

  • the run-local profile also specifies to springboot where it can find its config file (through the springboot plugin)

Get ready for the delivery

We want to generate a configuration artifact that will carry the templates and the ready to use confd toml files

  • we rely on the common/shared configuration, that only calls the prepare goal

  • we use a dedicated delivery profile that overrides the final destination of the target file (that will be stored in the toml config file)

  • the same delivery profile uses the assembly plugin to generate a zip file that can be unzipped as-is in the /etc/confd directory on the destination server(s). This is the default directory structure expected by the confd binary

pom.xml extract

                <!-- common step shared by all profiles that prepare the config file for further usage /-->
                            <!-- we want to generate the config files because we need it to run now /-->
                            <!-- mandatory: use the same id to get the benefit of the merge of the values with the global configuration -->
                                        <!-- we only need to override the dest value, as long as we keep the templates in the same order as in the global config -->